Saturday, April 27, 2019


Another great Friday at the forge with the three brothers all in attendance, we spent some time discussing how to manufacture a Compass Rose either out of steel or maybe out of brass and if we were to make a sand mold into which we could pour the molten brass, as to whether that could be done and would result in what we were looking for. All three agreed it was possible and will be kept in mind until it happens. Then it was time to light the forge and turn out another belt buckle and bolo tie with an anvil mounted on the face, turned out not too bad. By now it was time to go for lunch and get on with other issues going on in our life outside of Blacksmithing, and machining. So we closed up shop and got to the business at hand. 

Square Dancing again tomorrow, Sunday afternoon A2 Cookie Club will have the last session for this Square Dance season and wait until October to start back at it again. Where did the time go?
Monday evening will see the end of season for Adams Aces A1 Club and celebrate with Ice Cream Sundaes at the end of the evening. With Square Dance season coming to an end, it must be time to get the Golf Clubs out and start swinging.

Swing is the WORD in the Square Dance Hall we swing our partner, in the Blacksmith Shop we swing a hammer and on the Golf Course we swing the golf club, maybe I should get a cane and start swinging it as well.

That's about all I have for today so take care of yourself and each other, and I'll see you on the Dance Floor, Blacksmith Shop, or Golf Course.

Saturday, April 20, 2019


Yep, yesterday was Good Friday, and it was a good Friday to be at the forge although, there was a significant amount of rain, the forge was working fine. We managed to turn out a good sized Bolo Tie with an anvil plug welded in the centre, which will match the Belt Buckle I made last week. However, some people think it is much too large for me, so I might have to do some adjustments to the size, but that will remain to be seen. I found a drill bit which was all rusty in my neighbours driveway and figured it would be sure to create a flat tire on her car, so I picked it up put it in my pocket thinking I might be able to make something useful out of it. In the afternoon we turned it into a small knife with a steel handle, our first but not last attempt at knife making. 

All said and done we had a great day, except we missed Brother George, who was away today but will be back next Friday.
Square Dancers remember The Cookie Club is closed tomorrow Easter Sunday and Adams Aces is closed Easter Monday, so in my spare time I am working out some C1 choreography which we may try following The Cookie Club on the 28th of April. Maybe!
Happy Easter and take care of yourself and each other and I'll see you on the dance floor.

Sunday, April 14, 2019


Starting with Friday at the Forge which was only a half day this week because of other commitments, but we did get to refine the Belt Buckle I forged out last Friday as well as making a Troll Cross which is a Viking symbol to warn off bad spirits.

The next task was to sort through the Calling equipment and load it to go to Peterborough Saturday Morning. 

Saturday was a beautiful day and we had a great drive to Peterborough (thanks to Shawna) to participate in the Calling of the Lift Lock Square Dance Clubs "Spring Spree" starting at 2:00 PM and ending at 10:00 PM. an excellent event which took a huge amount of work and organization by the Members of the Club. Thank you to the the Lift Lock Squares. 

Also a huge Thank You to all the Ottawa Square Dancers who traveled to Peterborough to support Judy and I, words cannot express our gratitude for your attendance and support, this was greatly appreciated by us, and I'm sure by the Lift Lock Squares as well.

Tomorrow evening is Adams Aces and we hope to see you there. Take care of yourself and each other and I'll see you on the Dance Floor.

Saturday, April 6, 2019


 Another great day at the Forge, outside just a little cool but good for working in the shop. I goal for today was to try to forge out a belt buckle, which we did to some degree, although it isn't perfect and Dave's handiness with the ZipCut made things easier, the next one will be better hopefully as my Forge-welding continues to improve. Even though this buckle needs some refinement, I am pretty happy with it.

My First Belt Buckle
Anyway, that's how the day went by, like a fast train through a station as you watch it speed by.