To all our family and friends, Judy & I take this opportunity to wish each and everyone, a very Happy Thanksgiving and a year ahead to be very generous to you all.
We are thank full to have you as our family and our friends, thankful for our health, and the talent to give. In Judy's case, her knitting, which is distributed free by the West Carleton Knitters to those who are elderly and in care facilities, the less fortunate and/or in need. For me to give those of you who enjoy square dancing with us, some pleasure, challenge, and laughter while dancing in our clubs.
I am particularly thankful to have brothers Dave and George with me in the Blacksmith Shop on Friday At The Forge, as we celebrate our first year mark of learning this craft. It has been a blast for sure.
To our square dancers at Adams Aces, the schools are closed today so no dancing tonight, next Monday is Election Day, Oct. 21st. and Aces has been moved to the small gym at the rear of the school, come in the same door and walk all the way to the end of that corridor.
Next Sunday, October 20 is Cookie Club at Roy G. Hobbs Community Centre, 2:00 to 4:00 PM full Advanced dancing.
To our square dancers at Adams Aces, the schools are closed today so no dancing tonight, next Monday is Election Day, Oct. 21st. and Aces has been moved to the small gym at the rear of the school, come in the same door and walk all the way to the end of that corridor.
Next Sunday, October 20 is Cookie Club at Roy G. Hobbs Community Centre, 2:00 to 4:00 PM full Advanced dancing.
That's all I have to write about today, enjoy the day, eat well, and I'll see when we are all a little older. HAPPY THANKSGIVING